Meeting of the International Research Network
Open space between aperiodic order and physics & chemistry of materials
3-7 October 2021
Carry le Rouet, France
The meeting will be held on site and on-line
Aperiodic long range order, which encompasses incommensurately modulated structures, incommensurate composites and quasicrystals, is found in a very broad range of structures including minerals, oxide, intermetallic compounds, organic compounds. It is also found to occur in very different systems such as charge density waves, ferroelectrics, high T-c superconductors or twisted bilayer graphene. Whereas the atomic structure of aperiodic crystal is relatively well understood, the influence of the aperiodic long-range order on the physical and chemical properties of materials is still an open and challenging question.
The objective of the International Research Network (IRN) is to foster collaborations between the aperiodic crystal community and those who work on chemical and physical properties of materials. This kick-off meeting to launch the IRN is a successor to previous meetings held in Nagoya (2015), Annecy (2017) and Sendai (2019) bringing together aperiodic and correlated electron communities. The program will consist of invited and contributed talks together with poster sessions. In order to promote interactions the total number of participants will be limited.
Contributions at the interface of the different fields are welcome both experimentally and theoretically and in particular for:
– Aperiodic order and electronic properties: strongly correlated systems, heavy Fermion, charge density waves
– Aperiodic order and dynamics : phonons, phasons, phase transitions, electron-phonon coupling
– Aperiodic order and magnetisms: incommensurately modulated magnetic structures, quasicrystal and magnetic order, magnetically frustrated systems.
– Aperiodic order and chemistry of materials: clusters, chemical bounding, soft matter and aperiodic order, oxyde quasicrystals
Important dates:
Abstract submission dead line: 5 July 2021
Registration dead line: 16 July 2021